Friday, May 29, 2015

Time of transition

Hello to all dear friends around the world.

Isn't it interesting that we don't always understand how God operates.

This became very real for us. About six months we were both wondering what's going on. It seemed that, all we did put our hands on, didn't work. We became inpatient with people and the details of life. We felt homesick, thinking it's too natural...but to find out that God Himself was behind it all.

We went to Uganda conference in the end of April. Met with p. Schibelli, p.Sam and my husband called to p. Juha and p. Risto Kyrö. They all had the same witness: it's our time to move back to Finland. The battle was over, the peace took over. 

On the other hand it seemed, that why now, we had planned to stay one more year, but God's ways are past finding out, for us it was to line up with Isaiah 55:8-9.

Maybe the biggest suprice was that P. Alfred told us that he's getting married. Wife to be is a sweet Knyan lady by name Alice. The plan of p. Alfred was, anyhow to move back from Uganda to Kenya. So, God had taken care of even the next head pastor. 
Pastor Alfred Otoa and Alice

Passing on the baton

I do admire God, His plan is always so perfect, for us just to understand it, is bit more challenging.

As we made the decision things went fast, because our flight was May 13th.
We saw God's hand in details.  

For sure, we all do need a lots of prayers right now. Transition in Kitengela, people there, to learn to be under new head-pastor. For us to find our place of service in Helsinki church. For Jukka to find work, I'm planning to study, timing for that.

Our part with mission in Kenya is not over, but it's different. We plan to visit there and here we, purpose to find out ways, how to find donators for the church plot.

Our vision for mission is alive and well.

May God bless you all, as this is the last update for now. When we know more about the plot, I'll write...

p. Jukka and Helena Patrikainen

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Praise the Lord

I'm Hellen and blessed with a lovely husband Ernest and two boys Elvis 6 yrs and Justin 1,6 yrs. I'm also taking care of my sisters son Collins 11 months.

Collins, Hellen, Justin and Ernest

Getting ready for the Bible School

My kitchen

I thank God for my life, my family, mama-Helena and Greater Grace church.

I remember when I was a young girl, attending a certain church, but my heart was not comfortable with that church. I remember being on my knees and asking God to help me. 

Years went on and I moved after work to Nairobi. One of my friends took me to a church, where I got saved, but did not understand things taught. Once again I stopped going to church.

I did not attend a church until I met my lovely husband. I started to go to church again. We lived together for three years, but he did not attend any church. Months and life went on, then we separated with my husband. I thank God for our separation, because that's when my husband met with Greater Grace 2011. He got saved, and started to attend the Bible School.

Few months later my husband spoke with me, and we were reconciled. Then he introduced me to the church. God is wonderful.

Since I joined the church and met with mama-Helena, I've started to understand, what does it mean to be saved and have accepted Jesus Christ into my life. I thank God for Greater Grace, they brought light into my life.

September 2014 I joined the Bible School, where I take two classes; Pastoral Epistles and Leadership taught by p.Jukka. I thank God for giving us such a wonderful pastor/teacher.

Bible School

Me and boys at the church.

During this time my family life was facing difficulties. But I thank God since I joined Bible School, my family life is back to normal. Me learning God's ways, I'm now able to control better my temper. I know how to speak to my husband, when we have misunderstandings. I know how to talk to God during time of sickness.

Last week I got a job, so I could not attend Bible School. My husband said: "what, are you doing, you must attend the classes". He sees it being part of keeping our family together. So, I obeyed and stopped that work.  Now I'm praying that God would give me, such a work that I can attend Bible school and the church services.

I thank God for Greater Grace, mama-Helena and p. Jukka. 
May God bless them. Amen

Saturday, February 28, 2015


What are the true blessings ?  The theme of the Conference. A good question or what?
So many times blessings are seen to be material, but the deepest blessing: is to know Him and the power of His resurrection Phil. 3:10.

Think this was our 4th Conference and already 3rd Graduation. Anthony and Mike got diplomas and p.Mbugwa and Rosemary got certificates. And many more students are looking forward to get their paper next year. 

We had honour to have three people coming from Finland: p.Juha and Tuikku Haatanen and Joel (Teku) Johansson. From Uganda p. Alfred Otoa, as p.Sam Muhima could not come. The reason why no, the roof of the church came down, by a heavy storm. Lets keep Nanasana church in our prayers, that the roof could be fixed before April conference.

This time let the photos speak for themselves.

Tire broke, during  the first trip to the airport.

I was so happy to have Tuikku to visit.

Getting ready to cook for hundred people
Stew needed to be big

Lunch time

Tuikku with visitors

Getting ready for Graduation
Here they come
P. Juha and the graduates
Anthony, Mike, p. Mbgwa, Rosemary

and here with p. Alfred, p. Juha and p. Jukka

Joel shares the Word of God
Thank you for coming and for your prayers p.Jukka and Helena

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Power of Redemption

Christamas is time to understand, the gift that God gave us in His Son Jesus Christ.

We asked Mike to share, what God has done in his life, since he got saved.
Mike has been with us, almost from the day one since we came to Kitengela, in October 2011. The redeeming power of Jesus and right choices is evident in his life. (From the pictures below you can see how committed he is.)

Mike Mungai writes:

I remember how we met with mama - Helena and pastor Jukka. It's amazing how God used them to bring tremendous change in my life. Since I got saved at kibanda (an open air food place).  It's quite interesting, when I remember praising God, while taking mandazi and tea.

I also remember, them inviting me to stay with them at their home. Since that time I became part of their family, not just family but an amazing family.

Pastor Jukka has been my spiritual father and my mentor and Mama - Helena has been a good mum. I just love, when we do things together as a family. I never thought that I could ever find, good friends like them in my life. 

When it comes to Body life, there is no doubt it becomes more beautiful. It's amazing to see how we relate with body members. Sharing life with each other, reaching out for the lost together. I love that life, comparing to the one I used to live, before they introduced me to body life. 

Right now I'm a Sunday school teacher. I enjoy teaching kids & they encourage me, because they are also my friends. The most beautiful thing is that I am a Bible school student and a disciple that Jesus loves the most. 

Thank you to everyone that contributed for mission work in Kenya and everywhere in the world. It's very effective as you can hear from my testimony. I would love to encourage those, who are in the mission of Greater Grace that it's good work and God bless you all.
Mike is loved by children.

He also learns new skills.

Mike is always serving...

He's there where the Bod of Christ is.

Graduation feast 2013 with his mom.

In Kampala Coference 2013

He loves to share the Gospel

Mike giving introduction at the church.

We wish You all a Peaceful and Blessed festive season. May God grant His new riches to you in year 2015, Psalm 46:1.

For all to know we'll have our 4th annual Conference and Bible School Graduation February 13th - 15th 2015. P.Juha Haatanen from Finland and p. Sam Muhima from Uganda are the quest speakers. You are also warmly welcome, to bless us  and to celebrate with us.

In His grace: p.Jukka and Helena Patrikainen

Thursday, November 27, 2014

God, You are the Potter and we're the clay (Jermiah 18:1-4)

The first semester in Bible School, for most of the ladies is almost behind. They love the teaching. Final exams are December 16th.

As you can see Helen in the pictures . She was the one who asked, that if there could be also morning classes, so that mothers could attend. Back then she did not know, that she would truly need the teaching. Her family has faced some challenges, but  God has been faithful. 

Helen is also one of my closest neighbors. I so much love that, I can just walk out of gate and go to see her when I'm bored in the house. 

Her oldest son Elvis 6 years old, comes almost daily to our house, to play and draw. At the moment she takes care, of her sisters son Collins 10 months old. His mother went to work as a house girl to Saudi-Arabia. Her other son Justin is now 1 year and few months old. Justin has become "my son". Meaning that on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings I help her to carry one of the small ones to the church, usually Justin. It's amazing as I go to their house, he lifts up his hands and wan't me to beba beba=to carry him on my back.

On Friday mornings, we have Ladies devotional from 10-11 am at my house. I simply love it. 

I've been sharing from Jeremiah 18:1-4. How the Word from Jesus comes to us. We can rise up and go to God the potter, we who are but clay. And as we allow the love of God to touch our innermost parts, His love stats too heal us. The potter is God Himself, who knows that we cannot be fixed, so He changes from inside out. Like my cracked clay cooking pot, cannot be fixed.
How can one be changed? Simply to receive Jesus as my Savior. And the from that on, receive salvation in my lives situations moment by moment.

 The other portion I've spoken is Psalm 139. In that Psalm it refers to God as helper 32 times (Amplified). That Psalm is so comforting, we're so protected by Him: He knows my thoughts, sitting down, getting up… That is true love and care. This care can be experienced by letting God love us, right where we're at.

Let me finish this time with these words: Yesu anakupenda sana/ Jesus loves you much.

Sosh, Mama-Helena 

Jeremiah 18:1-4  God, You are the Potter and I'm the clay.
Friday morning ladies devotional at our house.

Winnie my new friend, and Bible School student.
Elizabeth and Rosemary practicing motherhood.
Arriving to Bible School class, Helen, Collins, Elvis, Sosh and Justine.
Helen, Justin, Collins and sosh in the Bible School.
Time to go home. My house is the first red roof behind us.
Judy and Pamela

Sosh and Justin

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Car and new home

Let me tell you briefly about this Isaiah 28:12 a home, a resting place for the weary.

But first about Jukka's longtime prayer, that was answered. I don't know for how long he has been praying for a car. 

Our friend John Gishinga has had this 30 years old BMW, in his garage for years. Both men have been talking about this car. Final conclusion was, that it was towed to our compound few weeks ago. John told Jukka, that if he can fix it, he can use it for few years. 

Well, as you can see in the pictures below, engine needs serious fixing. The prayer is, that the fixing would not me very expensive.
But anyhow Jukka is happy, and he loves fixing this car.

Then to my joy. Since we came to Kenya in February 2011, I have been praying to God, to have home like this. The previous house we lived in, Jukka got serious health problems. House after that was, too big and expensive, not a home. In an area where everybody loves their own privacy. Thank God we had a place to live in. Some how it's funny, most people seek for bigger houses, not me. I just want a home. But I need to say that, now God gave me, more than I could ask or think. I've never lived in such a nice house like this. The lady who owns this, went to South-Sudan. Her name is Nuna, she's a beautiful moslem. Lets keep her and her family in our prayers. 

The things that blesses me in this house: the location, I can see the church from our compound, neighbors are friendly, area is secure, many moslem ladies live close by, most of the families from the church live very close. Also this whole area is peaceful and quiet. Though to Kitengela center is further, maybe 3 kilometers away.

House itself: has servants quarter what is self-contained, where Mike lives. The house has grilled patios, interior is so pretty with lots of light.

Well we have a nice quest room also, so please consider paying a visit.

Some prayer requests:
1. Our working permits, without delays or problems by mid December.
2. Keep the men of our church in prayers, they have great calls in their lives, and the enemy knows it, by bringing confusion.

In His grace Helena and p.Jukka

ps. Jukka will write later about his great trip to Tanzania.

John Gishinga in the middle, who towed car to Jukka
But the engine...

needs a lots of fixing.

Body of Christ in practical operation.

My new sitting room, I love it.

Kitchen is spacious.
My outdoor kitchen is  also spacious, covered and safe.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A glimpse from our life

Time to show the glimpse of our daily life. Weeks go by so fast. 

The Bible school has been going on almost a month. This semester Jukka decided to have both morning and evening classes. The morning classes are repetition from Friday evening Leadership class and Sunday morning Pastoral epistles class. This makes it possible for those, who cannot make it in evenings; like mothers and night workers can study. The idea for morning classes came, from few mothers. They asked could the Bible school, have also morning classes. Desire was that wives could be standing doctrinally by the side of their husbands, who are in the Bible school. Wow or what.

To see total over twenty Bible school students, its easier to understand the resistance we have faced. All kinds of rumors… ,but God. He fights for us like Exodus 14:14 says.

Jukka has been happy, to teach men also practical skills, like carpentry. By this people can afford to have furniture to their homes. One day Elvis stayed with us, as his mom went for shopping. During that time Jukka helped Elvis to build a car. You can imagine the joy of Elvis, as he got the first car, of his life.

As the church we started kesha=all night prayer once a month. This was the first one. It's funny, due to the security reasons, all of our household could not go. We realized that if we all go, us and Mike, no one will be on our compound, what could be risky.  We don't have a watchman. So, this time I stayed behind. But the great thing is, that I was in prayer, with those who were at the church.

 Also I truly got a nice birthday present. "Good mama" hen was brooding, and as you can see from the picture, four so cute chicks came out. This is good because during our visit to Finland, we lost three chicken and one rooster. The reason was that my dog Poju, got loose, ate one, and the rest flew over the fence, and was taken by someone. This is life, what else can I say.

Few prayer requests: - our longterm visas, wisdom to fill out the forms, and to get visas without   delay
- owner of the house is selling this, we need a new house
- when and from where the church plot (funds for it)
- wisdom in the warfare

Thursday evening fellowship.

Rosemary helpling to cut the cabbage pie.

Elvis and Jukka doing carpentry.

Elvis made a car

Imani visited us.

Geoffreys turn to learn carpentry, observed by p.John and Jukka

The shelf is ready

Bible school the morning class,

and the evening class.

Kesha, all night prayer at the church.

My birthday present, from "Good mama" four chicks.

Thank you all, for your prayers and support: Helena and p..Jukka